Hire Game Developers

Reaching talented video game developers team is becoming harder due to serious competition in the field. However, hiring game devs who will guide you throughout the development stage and polish the bugs is a key to success. Inspired by the competition and the necessity to hire a game developer with excellent expertise, we created a tool that will help you connect with top freelance video game programmer right away


Search results (6 results found)

Meet @Ihor V.

Full Stack Developer


6 years



Full Stack Developer

6 years


A skillful and goal-oriented programmer with more than 7 years of experience, a quick learner who is fond of finding solutions to complicated challenges. I am very keen on dealing with details and making sure I am delivering a high-quality outcome. An eager team player, I keep my standards high and am devoted to improving the processes and the workflow to provide the most efficient and productive solutions.

Primary stack
6 yrs
6 yrs
6 yrs
4 yrs
2 yrs
2 yrs
Secondary stack
6 yrs
5 yrs
4 yrs
2 yrs
1 yr
1 yr
Meet @Olena D.

UI/UX Designer



UI/UX Designer


I've dedicated more than 7 years to studying and crafting designs, and I've found immense enjoyment in the process. My design education at the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts has instilled in me a penchant for comprehensive pre-project research, continuous tracking of design trends, and adept presentation and discussion of my work. My journey encompasses every stage of the design process – from formulating a brief, engaging with clients, and conducting research, to wireframing, layout creation, prototyping, presentation, and preparing files for developers. My passion lies in resolving customer challenges and fashioning exceptional projects that I can take pride in. For a closer look at my work, kindly refer to the following: Experience overview: https://www.loom.com/share/f5766ce1222c4b39b64a0198d444516a

Primary stack
Meet @Ivan S.

Full stack Developer


7 years

Full stack Developer

7 years

With over 7 years of extensive experience in web development, I have acquired a wealth of knowledge and skills in the field. As an active, easy-going, and responsible individual, I consistently strive to exceed expectations and foster strong working relationships with my clients. Although English is not my native language, I have a strong level of written proficiency and a moderate level of spoken proficiency, which enables me to communicate effectively with clients and colleagues alike.

Primary stack
Secondary stack

Benefits of hiring a freelance game developer with Voypost Talent Pool

Voypost Talent Pool is the ultimate solution designed to revolutionize your search and hiring process for a freelance game developer. Developed by Tech Startup owners who empathize with the challenges faced by both clients and talents, this tool is crafted to meet your needs. Experience a seamless and efficient recruitment experience and hire the professionals you require in just one week.

Top 5% Talents

Our a freelance game developer are proactive communicators with a focus on your business goals. We have a rigorous vetting with an assessment of hard and soft skills. This ensures your access the top 5% of thoroughly vetted Ukrainian developers.


Friendly Pricing

Hiring a dedicated development team from Ukraine is about 40% cheaper than hiring the same-level developers onsite. Moreover, we have no hidden fees and you can scale or pause cooperation as needed.


Tailored Expertise

Either you need some specific industry experience or a certain technology, we have completed dozens of projects so we have always a fit for you. See our Portfolio down the page.

Quick Hiring

Highly qualified a freelance game developer in as little as 2-14 days. Scale your team or start a project from scratch. With Voypost Talent Pool, you can find and hire professionals at the speed of light.


High Quality

We have high standards in workflows, code quality and final delivery. Our team can quickly onboard and adapt to your business needs. See our Customer Reviews down the page.


Same Time Zone

Our location and time zone are convenient for both European and American countries. We share timely updates and seamlessly work with you in your business hours. No delays, all the progress up-to-date.

Why Clients Choose Voypost

Voypost has successfully developed the MVP and is now developing a retailer interface for the client. The team's excellent project management skills allow them to submit deliverables on time.

Correlate Retail Technologies, Inc.

Sukanya Ramabadran
Sukanya Ramabadran

Founder & CEO

The impact of Voypost was huge for us. With their services, we were able to make them a natural extension of our own team, which made it a super smooth experience. It helped us pursue a new opportunity and ship a product in weeks, that we were previously not able to do.

Blindfeed GmbH

Björn Bakker
Björn Bakker

Founder & CEO

Good-quality, quick code allowed Voypost to iterate quickly on the solution based on customer feedback. They took scope changes in stride, adapting their task outlines to meet changing needs. Before accepting the job, Nikita had made a very clear breakdown of stories and tasks, with an estimate for each. It ensured alignment and transparency, and was a great way to start the project. Good communication was vital, and Nikita et al were super responsive and very specific. Changes needed on our end were clearly specified to our engineer. Issues were dealt with rapidly.


Henrik Cullen
Henrik Cullen

Head of Product

How to Hire Game Developers from Voypost Talent Pool

We created a game devs search tool that helps you find developers for your project in the most efficient way. You are able to sort and search for 60 search criteria including the type of IT project, tech stack (Unity, html5, etc), expertise, industry, etc. With the advanced algorithm and vast database of skilled tech talent, we will match you with the right mobile game app developer in just 1-3 days. You can cancel or replace a developer anytime in the first month at 0$ cost.


How do We Test Game Devs Skills? 

Voypost is committed to helping you pick the best talents for your project. Potential candidates are put under meticulous testing to prove their expertise. First, developers are interviewed by HR specialists that is followed by a technical interview, live coding interview and a test task. We also test the level of English of the potential candidates, their communication skills, and their ability for teamwork. Additionally, we test for 60+ skills, data structures, algorithms, systems design, software specializations & frameworks.

Ready When You Are

  • Quotes delivered within 3 days

  • Ready to start development in less than a week

  • On-demand: we find the ideal candidate for you in 1 day

You can easily find game developers here, on Voypost’s platform. Just figure out the right set of skills you need your specialists to have and search for people who obtain them. The process is simple enough and results will come up shortly. It usually takes 1 to 3 days to match you with the ideal candidate

Our team is the living example that Ukraine is the best country to hire game app developers. They have lower rates compared to specialists from other countries, but it doesn’t affect the quality of their work. If you work with Ukrainian developers, you can count on 60% or higher cost reduction. To the top of IT outsourcing countries, we can also include the Baltic countries and Poland

We do not recommend you to work with freelance a freelance game developer, since they rarely regulate their workflow with contracts. The in-house team can, on the contrary, be a pretty expensive solution, and you might not be happy with the employee after hiring them full-time. IT outstaffing guarantees you that the job will be done well, on time, and at cost-effective pricing

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